Drum note heads won't beam

• Oct 18, 2022 - 20:32

My drum noteheads for the Notehead group: "Cross" will not beam when I enter eighth notes and sixteenth notes. I have tried changing fonts and changing noteheads. The cross just will not beam. I tried Beam Properties but it still won't beam every other note.

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Drum note heads.png 5.86 KB


So I found that using Voice one will not allow for beaming. I had my drums on voice one and voice two and only the voice two noteheads will beam. So I changed all of my drums to voice two and voice three instead. Weird.

In reply to by camzilla54

Voice 1 certainly beams. But your picture appears to show intervening rests. By default, beams are not extended over rests. If you'd like that to happen, you need to say so explicitly, by setting the rest to "beam middle" using the Beam Properties palette.

If you need further assistance, please attach your score and give precise steps to reproduce the problem. Then we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

So my best guess is that I was zoomed out too far and was not placing the eight notes and sixteenth notes in the proper place. I zoomed in on the measure and it worked well. Also, you were correct about the intervening rests. I had built a drum template and made a few beats and hid a bunch of rests using the "v" shortcut and forgot to delete them before saving. Thank you for the speedy reply.

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