Use A,B,C,D etc. keyboard shortcuts to edit pitch value of note in chord?

• Oct 30, 2022 - 13:40


Is there any way that I can use the A/B/C/D etc. keyboard shortcuts to change the pitch value of a selected note in a chord? Currently, if I select a note in a chord and press A/B/C/D etc. it replaces the entire chord with a single note of that value.




Sounds like maybe you want to use Repitch mode - select it from the note input dropdown menu on the toolbar (then be sure to remember to switch back to steptime when done).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for the reply. I hadn't spotted Repitch mode. It doesn't seem to solve the issue though; even in Repitch mode, using the keyboard shortcuts still seems to replace the entire chord, not just the selected note within the chord. Perhaps what I'm trying to do just isn't an expected/intended use case?

In reply to by caicaicai

True, perhaps because there is no real concept of selecting a single note in the chord at the note inout cursor position. So that would need to be implemented firs,t I guess.

Meanwhile, in case it isn't obvious - the way to change the pitch of a single selected note is with Up/Down keys (with Alt+Shift to make it a diatonic change).

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