Please help I have no idea what to do

• Nov 6, 2022 - 21:47

No matter what I do I cannot get passed the "Loading scores", unless I do a Win +R to reinstall from scratch every time I run Musescore. I have looked into it extensively and still have not found a solution. I do not want to switch programs, but if this continues which it has for about 4 months then I may need to. So please someone help


Which version of MuseScore?
Did you change where it installs?
Parts of it go to Program Files, Program Data, and a folder in Documents.
Scores should be in the MuseScore folder in Documents. If it isn't there, that might be part of the problem.

I assume you're on Windows. Sounds like maybe a score of yours is corrupt and hanging MuseScore. So, try a revert to factory settings (see handbook for info on how to do that if you can't start MuseScore). Then move all your scores out of the default folder so it doesn't try to open them at startup. You can then movie them back in batches and experiment that way until you find the culprit.

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