New Instrument using AppImage

• Nov 7, 2022 - 10:29

I have succeeded in notating a tune for 5 string banjo and linking it to TAB. My minstrel banjo is tuned lower than standard 5 string - Eb4, Bb2, Eb3, G3, Bb3 - all good so far, though it took quite a lot of figuring out! How can I save this tuning as a new instrument?

I have consulted the documentation and tried to create a second xml file with a Minstrel Banjo entry, referencing it in the APPImage preferences. However, although that second file is still in the preferences settings, the Minstrel Banjo instrument does not appear in my instrument list. I may have not constructed the xml file correctly, but I don't think I can get to the file that the AppImage uses to check this, as it is contained within the app, not stored on my computer.

My xml file attempt is attached...

If I simply rename the instrument for my score, will I not overwrite the normal Banjo settings, which of course I don't want to do?

Attachment Size
instruments_steve.xml 503 bytes


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