One singular measure really quiet for some reason

• Nov 11, 2022 - 07:37

So, there is this really triumphant part in the song with a big trumpet solo however, the trumpet is really quiet in the second measure of the solo. The first measure is fine but then it just falls flat. I tried deleting the measure and re doing the notes, I deleted the whole column of measures and I don't know what the deal is. Before you ask I have searched up and down and there is no pianissimo sign anywhere. Its in the first measure of the first trumpet part right after rehearsal point A marked

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When I have it played from bar 11, I always have forte for the 1st trumpet.

However, what I notice is that in measure 13 at the end of the measure there is a crescendo hairpin from previously "f" to "mf". This does not make sense.

Also, I notice that you have the crescendo hairpins in many other places that don't work. This is because these hairpins must end one note before the new dynamic indication. Compare the two appendices at the end of the hairpin.


An other hint:
Staccato and accent on the same note only work if you use the special articulation "Accent staccato" from the articulation palette. See bar 11 for multiple instruments.
Do not use both individually, but use the given combined articulation character.

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