Automatic staff spacing is off when "__" (melisma) for lyrics is present in the vocal line above

• Nov 20, 2022 - 18:59

MS 3.6.2, Windows 11
In the last page of the attached, the melisma "_" is in the middle of the violin I line directly below it.
This doesn't occur when there are letters present for the lyrics; the spacing seems to be ignored when the "
" melisma line by itself, with no actual letters, is present.
Steps to reproduce-
In a multiple instrument system, create a vocal line with only "" (melisma) present.
The staff below will have the "
" in the middle of it.
If a "-" (melisma in the middle of a word) is used instead of "__", the problem is not present.

Work-around: use the "spacer" feature.

Apologies for the bold letters, it seems to happen automatically when using the quotation marks, it's not my intent.

Attachment Size
Der Schauspieldirektor.mscz 205.87 KB

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