22 Note Tuplet - 3/4 Time

• Dec 14, 2022 - 12:20


Could someone please show how to create a 22 note tuplet for the attached passage?

Thank you.

Attachment Size
tuplet-demo.mscz 4.99 KB
tuplet-demo-22.png 1.63 MB


Since you want your tuplet over a total duration that can not easily be represented as a single duration, have a look at this howto.

  1. Split the measure after your notes
  2. Make it contain a full measure rest (select + Delete)
  3. Add > Tuplets > Other... and choose a ratio of 22/5 (22 notes of the duration that fits 5 times in there (which is a 1/8th)). Set bracket and number to None
  4. Join the measures again (either via Tools > Measures or by selecting the barline and Ctrl/Cmd+Delete it)

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