New to MuseScore 4, have a couple of questions.

• Dec 18, 2022 - 14:20

I've used Sibelius exclusively before, but with the release of MuseScore 4 I wanted to give it a try. There are a few questions I couldn't find an answer to (mostly resulting from me being used to Sibelius too much), help woul dbe appreciated:

1) Manually dragging staves up and down - is it possible in MS?

2) Auto alignment of objects - let's say I create two hairpins (like in autoalign.png), I know I can drag them/use arrow keys to move them, but is there an option to automatically align them horizontally and then move them both together up and down the score? (this is something I do a lot in Sibelius, but can't find how to do it in MS)

3) MS seems to crash quite frequently on me, for example when I try to open Format --> Style. Sometimes it will randomly crash when I add a slur/dynamic to the score. Is it a common occurrence?


Attachment Size
autoalign.png 11.17 KB


I have Sibelius 7.5.
Some of the problems you describe sound like what happens when you open an mxl from Sibelius. Misaligned hairpin can happen.

  1. I don't think so. There are settings to adjust staff spacing. For example, at the beginning of the score, double click the name of the instrument and a style popup opens. There are settings there. Not as convenient as dragging, I know.

  2. Never done that in Sibelius. However, in MS4 you can multi select the same measure in different staves (I.E. measure 12 in all the string parts) and add a hairpin (or other things) to all of them at once. 7.5 can't do that.

  3. Again, crashes seem to be tied to the origin of the file. A bit of a pain. Remember, MS4 is brand new. In the meantime, if you notice a particular staff in which crashes occur, try creating a new staff for that instrument, then copy the old staff into it. Hit "I" and a window opens where you can add the new staff and delete the old one.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks - to be clear, I am not importing any files into MS, I am starting a new MS project from scratch.

For second point, I think I was unclear, I meant vertical alignment, not horizontal (so that hairpins are side by side on the same "level") - any option that can help me with that in MS?

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