1.3 and 2.0

• Sep 21, 2014 - 09:27

Hi everyone,
a piece in Musescore1.3, once edited in Beta 2.0, can not be opened in 1.3 anymore?
Is there a way to edit in 2.0 and save in 1.3?



in Beta 2.0 I use FluidR3MonoGM2-8.sf2 as my soundfont.
Using the same soundfont in 1.3 gives my another sound.
Is this normal?


The only way to open 2.0 MuseScore file is via export as XML, soundfonts should sound the same in either version. But you're not using the default soundfont in 2.0, why?
You can't use that in 1.x though

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