Notation Suggestion - Allow Open Ended Ties

• Dec 23, 2022 - 05:26

Hello! I've been using Finale for years, and decided that with MuseSounds, it might be time to try musescore again. One thing that is very common in percussion part writing is creating an open ended (hanging) tie as a shorthand for "let ring," especially on cymbals and pedaled mallet instruments, particularly chimes. At the moment, when I try to create an open ended tie, it automatically generates a note at the end of the tie in place of any rests that were there, and if I delete that note, it deletes the tie. This is a pain point in trying to transition, as in Finale I can just create the tie and it works.

There is a way to do this in older versions of MuseScore, but it's really hacky and wastes a lot of time. You can see a thread for it here:

Hopefully this is something you can implement, as I think the project is getting close to Finale in terms of speed of notation, but little things like this go a long way towards speeding that process up.

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