Disable dragging note in Musescore 4
When I end up selecting notes to edit them, I unconsciously move them and it irritates me. I want this disabled or somehow mitigated cause I end up having to go back and listen for any errors only to find that I've dragged multiple notes out of pitch.
Agreed. The threshold for dragging is too low. Maybe the dev team can add a toggle menu under preferences for the function?
I wish we could bump this.
In reply to I wish we could bump this. by Rafael Soliz Jr.
Is https://musescore.org/en/node/304807 and/or https://musescore.org/en/node/360642 matching?
Then https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/21399 is the issue for this on GitHub
and the above mentioned threads point to possible workarounds (rather a fix for this in my 3.7)
In reply to Is https://musescore.org/en… by Jojo-Schmitz
Not really. Musescore has this feature that allows you to drag notes up and down the staves, and it's just that we don't want to accidentally change pitches of notes when selecting them.
I drag the score with my touch screen while rehearsing and being forced to carefully put the finger on a blank area to avoid moving things on score is a pain in the... Especially when rehearsing and having to keep pace (but also in general).
And -yes- I sometimes stop to edit fingerings, so -no- exporting as PDF and using the PDF to rehearse is not a solution.
Just bumping this up. I know it's a small issue, but it's one of those things that makes 100% of musescore like 1% more stressful than it needs to be. I have a little worry bug in the back of my mind every time I touch a note reminding me to make sure I didn't move it up or down a step, or slightly adjust the horizontal placement. I would say this is my own user error, but I've been using music notation software for 30 years and not had this issue until one of these updates a few years ago. And it seems like there's at least some of us that feel this way. I think an easy fix would be an option to disable change pitch by dragging.