Playback woes in v4

• Dec 31, 2022 - 12:06

When I try to play back the attached sample, the tenor line doesn't play in bars 3-13 - or if it does, It's at a super-low velocity, not the same level as the soprano line, which is what it should be.

I also get odd dynamics in the alto line in bars 19-20, where the first E of the E-A-E "da-dah-da" element is barely audible.

What am I doing wrong?

Attachment Size
Sample.mscz 30.43 KB


This often happens in scores that originated in other software. Different programs read dynamics differently. Although I can hear the tenor line OK. For now, funny things can happen in MS4 at very low volumes. Try panning your parts so that they are not all on top of each other.

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