Modification of Default Setting for Named Chord Playback

• Dec 31, 2022 - 17:37

Is there a way in MuseScore 4 to change the default setting for chord playback? For example, in a C Major chord, the root (C2) should raise an octave to C3, the root double octave (C4) should be eliminated, the major third should drop an octave from E4 to E3, and the perfect fifth should drop an octave from G4 to G3. I also want to change the default chord duration from "Until Next Chord Symbol" to "Chord/Rest Duration". Thank you for any guidance you can provide.


As mentioned, there are a variety of voicings you can select from (in Properties), but not complete customization of the exact voicing formula you like. For that, you should simply add the notes yourself on a separate staff (which you can make invisible).

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