Crash when attempting to delete measures + key signature bug?

• Jan 2, 2023 - 16:21

Hello all, I opened Musescore 4 for the first time today to work on a long score for the first time in a couple weeks. When trying to delete any measures, command+delete crashes the program, as well as "remove selected range" and "remove empty trailing measures." In addition, at the very front of the group of 60 empty measures I'm wanting to remove, is a key signature that will not go away, even if I change it to the current key signature the piece is in. Any suggestions? Help is very welcome as I cannot work on the piece while this is still an issue. I'll try to attach the in-progress file to provide more information.

Sorry if this is not in the right place or format! I didn't really know where to go for this.

Attachment Size
A_Collection_of_Irish_Melodies.mscz 441.26 KB


There must be something hidden in those empty trailing measures causing the crash.
I imported your score in MS 3.6.2 and the same thing happened.
Maybe this will help: Select all trailing measures and hit delete. Then try again 'remove empty trailing measures' or any other variant to delete them.

Yes! Thanks y'all, that worked. I was worried!

I think just selecting the bundles of measures, hitting the delete button, and then removing was the trick. Thanks again!

In reply to by sparklelily145

Some further investigations showed me that deleting the parts and then deleting the trailing measures also will work without crash. Probably an error happened during the part generation.
Before these empty measures in the soprano and piano parts, there were a few strange measures containing some notes and a whole rest. See the attachment. That was probably the crash reason.

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