Mac OSX Plugin issue

• Sep 22, 2014 - 21:26

So for an assignment I need to produce a Jazz lead sheet or chord chart using slash notation etc. But the slash notation plugin isn't working with my copy of musescore as it's in .js anyone able to help?

Also some more pointers about how to make the charts efficiently using musescore are always appreciated!


EDIT: I'm using version 1.3 though I have downloaded the beta for 2.0 as well.


That plugin should work on Mac as well as on Linux or Windows. In MuseScore q.x only, but not in 2.0 or the night lies though.
Being 'in .js' is definitely not a reason not to work in 1.x (all 1.x plugin are .js), but is a reason not to work in 2.0 (where plugin as .qml files)
Do you have it installed properly, as described in

It is not too difficult to do manually what the plugin does automatically though.
Just select a note, right click, select all similar, click a note again, right click, note properties, change note head to slash, velocity to user and 1.

To be clear - you cannot use the plugin with the 2.0 Beta version, only with the 1.X versions.

The instructions for installing plugins can be found here:

But it's perfectly possible to reproduce the effects of the plugin manually. It's just a matter of adding notes on the appropriate line yourself as if they were ordinary notes, then selecting them, right clicking, and using Note Properties to change the notehead to "slash", the velocity to "user / 0", and make them stemless in appropriate.

For more info on creating leadsheets, see the two-part tutorial under "Tutorials" in the menu at right of this page.



Seems like I have the same problem: not possible to activate (slash chord) plugins.

I am also using musescore 1.3, on a Mac OSX 10.9.5

In the plugin section (, it states "On Mac OS X, MuseScore looks for plugins in the MuseScore bundle in /Applications/ and in ~/Library/Application Support/MusE/MuseScore/plugins."

But, stupid question maybe, ... I don't even find this "Applications/" stuff on my computer...

Thanks for solutions...


In reply to by Fred Guldentops

I don't know if you've figured it out yet, but if you right click (ctrl + click) on the Musescore application in the Application folder, a menu will popup and there will be an option that says something like "Open Application Contents" or something. If you click that option it will open Musescore as a folder and then you should be able to navigate to Contents/Resources/plugins. I don't have a mac on me so these aren't verbatim instructions and if you have trouble with this I may not be able to help you further.

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