Musescore 4 UI is Completely Unresponsive

• Jan 13, 2023 - 16:56

I installed musescore 4 and all the instruments that were free, loaded musescore in the entire interface was unresponsive to mouse clicks and keyboard shortcuts. The only thing that showed was the new score button and the plug-ins on the start panel, but everything on that panel did not respond to mouse clicks or keyboard shortcuts. I sent email to support and they responded to reinstall, which I did and let them know that it didn't solve the issue but I never heard back from them again. This issue is reproducible 100% of the time. All I have to do is start musescore and the issue begins. There is no workaround for this issue that I could find anywhere on the website or in web searches.If log files or any other information is needed, please let me know. I told support that I would leave musescore for installed, in case this issue could be fixed.


For most things to work in the UI, you need a score to be open. That's why the new score window is what yo see at the start. If you have no scores, you can create a dummy ( maybe just a piano) and everything will be active.

In reply to by christinapari

Also the following does not disable the start center according to other posts it should.

C:\Program Files\MuseScore 4\bin>musescore4.exe -w retuns a dialog box that says: w no such option.

Most of the available documentation when you search refers to musescore 3 so it is terribly confusing.

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