Corrupted Files in Musescore 4.0 and 4.1

• Jan 13, 2023 - 19:33

I had been using Musescore 4.0 and had experienced IMMENSE and frequent corrupted file reports and just lost 4 weeks (6 minutes) worth of music that entirely relied on Musescore due to these seemingly random file corruptions. I then updated to Musescore 4.1 and am still experiencing these issues despite the update claiming to have fixed these issues. When I open the now corrupted files, tens of hundreds of the measures I had wrote now have incorrect number of beats in them (i.e, 3 quarter notes and 5 eighth note rests in a 4/4 measure) and several engraving and consequently playback issues.
Though I am certainly not an expert on notation technology, I have noticed the measures where I utilize the copy and paste function (quite frequently used for the sake of increasing my productivity and workflow) are the measures that have the issues which is what I am assuming caused the files to be corrupted.

I am practically begging for a solution. This was one of the first projects I was genuinely proud of and now all of that progress is lost.

Is there any way to uncorrupt the files or to retrieve the information without manually placing EVERY note into a new score??? Also, does this mean the copy and paste function is unusable???


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