MS4 constantly crashing and now will not open

• Jan 17, 2023 - 01:24

Help needed. For the past week MS4 is constantly crashing. I have to reboot my computer and then I get the message that the last session quit unexpectedly. Today after several attempts it finally opened and changes I had made to scores yesterday were gone. I rebooted again and now I can not open MS4. The initial big blue MS4 loading pop-up appears and then nothing. The MS4 icons appear on my task bar flashing pink and I am unable to do anythingfrom there. This has been happening everyday for a week and I can usually get it to open at some point but not today.


I did this recently when MS3 would not open. Worth a try for MS4.

Rather than uninstall and then reinstall. I did a repair. I had the MS3 msi file on my computer already. You can download the latest MS4 msi from the download page. Run the msi. If MS4 is already installed, one of the options will be to repair MS4.

After doing this for MS3, it would then open.

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