Removing a rest does not update other staves

• Jan 24, 2023 - 13:35


When I want to make a uncomplete bar, I remove a rest from a staff.

However, I noticed that if there isn't the same rest at the same position in the other staves, removing a rest on the first staff does not update the notation of the other staves (it visually keeps a whole rest). Therefore, if we remove 3 beats on one staff, we can have a whole rest on other staves although it's actually just one-beat long. Fortunately, if we then type a C note (for example), it displays a quarter-note. The problem is just visual.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Mmmm. I was not aware of that distinction. Now, I understand. There is a whole rest (four-beats rest) and a whole measure rest (as much as beats rest as the time signature permits). The first one is centered whereas the second is positioned at the left. And MuseScore automatically adds whole measure rests by default. Hence the symbol not updating because it is still valid as a "measure that is entirely silent".

Am I right?

If so, is it possible to replace whole measure rests by whole rests by default, please?

A workaround for the initial topic would be to put a rest on all staves at once, then remove it.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I think it should be a bug. If you start with whole measure rests in all the staves and then adjust the measure length in measure properties, explicit rests are created in all staves. However, in 4/4 if you start with say four quarter note rests in one stave and measure rests in the other staves and use CTRL+Delete to remove one of the quarter note rests you still have measure rests in the other staves.

Ex 1.png

Ex 2.png

Ex 3.png

Ex 4.png

Ex 5.png

The result in the last example is confusing to the player. It looks like there are 4 beats in the first measure when there are actually only 3. I have seen this problem in published scores where a part has a whole measure rest that hides the fact that other instruments have a shortened pick up bar. I suspect that another well known notation program with a Finnish name was used and it evidently has a similar problem.

What should happen is that explicit rests should be displayed in all empty measures whenever their actual duration differ from the nominal duration.

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