How to make double Coda sign?

• Jan 25, 2023 - 05:29

One of my transcriptions uses D.S.S. Al Coda, Go to Coda (coda symbol) and Go to Coda (double coda symbols), etc. I copy pasted the coda character into the strings, but the issue is that while it displays correctly in editor it does not in the viewable file online ( How do I get it to display the coda character correctly?


Post the score here, please. If you post a link then whoever might want to help you has to go to the website, go through the cookie acceptance/rejection dialogue and also have to have signed up to to download your file. Too much effort.

In reply to by underquark

The error is only visible in the preview and downloaded pdf etc. It shows up correctly in the Musescore application so uploading the score probably won't help, but I did so anyway. I took some screenshots though; the screenshots are not of consecutive pages just the ones with the visible issue.

Functionally it works fine, I just want the characters to visually display correctly.

Attachment Size
alive screenshots.png 209.44 KB
Lycoris Recoil OP - Alive.mscz 35.75 KB

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