Scrolling to cut and paste

• Feb 21, 2023 - 15:53

Is there a way to select a passage to then cut/ copy and paste (using the shift and right arrow key) that will scroll along the music beyond the page you can see? It used to be possible in the old Musescore? Its very irritating to have to stop, move on and then continue to select. I can't find a way to do this in any of the page formats.
I also find the same problem when composing as it jumps to the next page without being able to see what you have just done (in both vertical and horizontal formats.)



There is a bug currently that prevents the autoscroll from working while extending range selections, There is a pending fix for a future update. For now, you do indeed need to scroll manually.

I'm not understanding the second question though. Indeed, sometimes while working on one measure, the previous cannot be in view. The alternative would be, to keep the previous measure in view but not scroll to show the current one. if you prefer that, turn off the pan score automatically button on the playback toolbar settings.

In reply to by NickiB

You mean in Continuous view? it's true MU4 tends to be more aggressive about scrolling far enough to reduce the total number of times it needs to interrupt your flow, whereas MU3 tended to scroll by smaller amounts and more often. Some prefer one approach, others prefer the other. Yu could always open an issue on GitHub expressing a desire for a return to the other approach, or a preference to control this.

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