MuseScore 4: Windows 10 Toolbar not Triggered by Mouseover

• Feb 22, 2023 - 21:36

When MuseScore 4 is maximized and has focus, a mouseover to the bottom of the screen does not trigger the Windows 10 toolbar to show.

This is mildly inconvenient, especially when I am looking to another program to fill in musical notes/lyrics, etc.

Workaround is to use hotkeys like Alt+Tab, I guess, which I probably should be using more of anyway.


In reply to by bobjp

When maximized, the window controls (minimize/restore/maximize) disappear. The only way to get the taskbar to reappear is to get out of full screen, which is stupid and inconvenient. I shouldn't to reduce the Musescore window to access text or other materials I may be copy/pasting from. No other Windows program does that.

In reply to by oriscus7

I believe this is standard behaviour for all programs operating in Full Screen mode. In most case you use ESC to exit the mode, which can't in be done in MS because it has a different function and similar to other programs MS is using the same event that triggers the fullscreen mode to exit it. I.e. MS Edge is behaving the same way when you press F11. You also press F11 to exit fullscreen and have not min/max/exit buttons.

BTW, the taskbar also appears when you press the Windows key.

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