1st and 2nd endings not applied to parts with rests

• Mar 11, 2023 - 03:06

EDIT: sorry wrong forum

I'm working on a piece in which many instruments do not play at all during the measures with a 1st and 2nd ending. In single parts, musescore writes this out as bars of rest with no 1st or 2nd ending, and this means that the total number of rest measures in the single parts is incorrect. (ie. instead of 3 measures, a 5 measure 1st ending, and a 3 measure 2nd ending, it will say 8 measures repeated plus 2 measures. The first adds up to a total of 13 measures; the second is 18, which is incorrect). Is there some workaround here to make the endings show up (or the correct number of measures) on single parts?


It works ok for me.

One thing to check is that the "empty" bars are really empty and have only full measure rests and not, for example, two minim rests in a 4/4 bar, or an explicit semibreve rest in a 4/4 bar (distinguished from a whole measure rest by being placed at the start of the bar rather than being centred).

If that is not the source of your difficulty, please come back and attach the score (.mscsz file) you are having problems with.

It may be a bug caused by the voltas, not the multimeasure rests themselves. The usual convention is for every ending to have the same number of measures (the only exception being if a piece ends before that many measures in the final ending), and maybe they didn't account for the possibility of this not being followed. If it's possible, extend the second volta to include the next 2 measures after the repeat and hopefully this should fix it. If it's not possible because that's the end of the piece, there may be something else at play here that can't be fixed without a bug being corrected.

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