When a MuseScore 2.6 file is opened in MuseScore 4.2 the chords cymbols looks normal, but after the the MS4.2 file is safed and opened in MS4.2 again some chord symbols are corrupted.

• Apr 22, 2023 - 17:07

When a MuseScore 2.6 file is opened in MuseScore 4.2 the chords cymbols looks normal, but after the the MS4.2 file is safed and opened in MS4.2 again some chord symbols are corrupted.
It looks if that the b# () and numbers are suported.
If double click the chord symbol the origional tex is visable.

Find attaged the corrupted file


Neither MuseScore 2.6 nor MuseScore 4.2 do exist
But with MuseScore 4.0.2 is is a known issue when importing scores from previous version when those are using a custom chords.xml

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