Autogenerated duplicate parts that I can't delete

• Apr 29, 2023 - 10:23

I am arranging a piece for accordion quintet and for some reason Musescore creates a ton of duplicate parts mostly for the second part, none of which I can delete as they are autogenerated ones.
Also it autogenerates even more parts every time I restart Musescore and load the file again.
All are renamed pipe organ because the accordion soundfont is quite annoying in case that matters. File and screenshot of part window + start of score attached.

Attachment Size
Musescorepls.png 30.11 KB
Symphonie V.mscz 474.08 KB


May I assume that as you are working on these pieces, you are opining parts to do some work in them. If that is so, is it really necessary to do so. There are some things that don't transfer between part and score properly.

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