• May 24, 2023 - 10:12

You never say clearly that does not work on iPads. You let people like me waste considerable time trying to use it. You are also cynical about the confusion between org and com, pretending you are very cleat about it. This leads to many people like me buying your pro version and believing they get the improved org version. This is disgusting commercial practice


The website works in any browser, so also in iPad
The MuseScore editor though does indeed not work in any mobile devide, iOS or Android, and nowhere does it claim to, the download page clearly states Windows 10 or later, Linux or macOS 11.5 or later to be needed. And then there's the faq.
Nowhere here on anyone claims the need for a Pro account on to be needed to run the MuseSAcore editor or to use this site.
Nowhere a Pro version of the MuseScore editor is mentioned, and in fact none exists.
And you, being a menber here since 4 years, should really know all this

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

As you can see you get yourself confused by the two MuseScore lol. The website is .com and not .org! If your company wanted to be clear it would clearly mention on the opening page of the music editor, i.e , that it is NOT compatible with mobile devices such as iPad.
Fortunately, some competitors have a compatible software!!

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

An IT colleague starting to study the saxophone wanted to use MuseScore (the editor) and was going to buy the application to get the pro features of the editor.
Luckily he told me so before buying it and I could explain why that wasn't applicable.
So yes it is definitively super confusing for people discovering MuseScore, even people with an IT background.

In reply to by Patrice Quatravaux

Bonjour Patrice,
Vous devriez poser vos questions sur le forum français
Vous recevriez exactement les mêmes réponses que celles données par Jojo et que vous ne semblez pas comprendre.
Comme il vous l'a dit si cela fait 4 ans que vous utilisez Musescore et que vous parcourez ce forum cela n'aurais jamais dû vous échapper mais je pense que vous feriez mieux d'abandonner le logiciel gratuit Musescore et de vous payer un logiciel où vous seriez bien mieux compris.
En tous cas vous aurez toujours ici sur des bénévoles pour répondre à vos questions et pour vous faire avancer.
Dernière précision, ce n'est pas tout d'afficher une page avec un lien de téléchargement voire de télécharger un logiciel pour qu'il puisse s'installer sur le système où vous l'avez téléchargé.
Désolé si je vous brusque un peu.

Hello Patrice,
You should ask your questions on the French forum
You would receive exactly the same answers as those given by Jojo and that you don't seem to understand.
As he said, if you have been using Musescore for 4 years and you are browsing this forum, you should never have missed it, but I think that you would be better off abandoning the free Musescore software and paying for a software where you would be much better understood.
In any case you will always have volunteers here on to answer your questions and to help you progress.

Lastly, it is not enough to display a page with a download link or even to download software so that it can be installed on the system where you have downloaded it.
Sorry if I'm rushing you a bit.

Translated with (free version)

In reply to by Patrice Quatravaux

If that confusion needs to be addressed that is by the providers of the paid service.
I don't see how this is a reason to stop you from using the free editor.
To be clear people like Jojo answering here are not the team behind the paid application.
They are just users like you and me, freely giving their time to help other users, which is super great from them.
Jojo even maintains an unofficial bug fix of MuseScore 3, that he could keep for himself but choses instead to share with us, we can't be thankful enough for that.

Do you still have an unanswered question? Please log in first to post your question.