Player Piano Exports?

• May 25, 2023 - 20:54

I just got a player piano in my house and I took one of the CDs that came with it and threw it into my computer to see what type of file it would open. It opened a .cda file, and I was a bit confused because those are odd files for what I was expecting.

Does anyone know if there is a way to export player piano music from Musescore? So if I have a song I wrote on Musescore and I want it to play on my player piano, is it possible to do that, and, if so, how?



You wrote:
I just got a player piano in my house and I took one of the CDs that came with it and threw it into my computer to see what type of file it would open.

I would think that one of those CDs would include an instruction manual.
(Does the player piano actually have a built-in CD drive?)

Does anyone know if there is a way to export player piano music from Musescore?

Some (modern) electronic player pianos feature a usb port which can read from a usb stick and "play" a MIDI file. The MIDI basically sends instructions to the player piano to tell it which keys to energize (if it has actual hammers and strings).
MuseScore can export your score to MIDI.

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