XML file containing "Incomplete Bar" errors

• Jun 17, 2023 - 07:59

This is the first time I'm experiencing problems exporting XML files from Reaper and opening them in Musescore. The only time signature I have set is 3/4, there are not time or time signature changes at all throughout the piece.
Here's a small preview of the errors that MS is showing:

Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 35, stave 18. Found: 46/32. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 51, stave 16. Found: 2306/3072. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 52, stave 2. Found: 19/16. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 52, stave 3. Found: 19/16. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 52, stave 4. Found: 19/16. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 52, stave 9. Found: 19/16. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 52, stave 10. Found: 19/16. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 52, stave 12. Found: 19/16. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 52, stave 13. Found: 19/16. Expected: 3/4.
Incomplete bar: Full score, bar 52, stave 16. Found: 2399/3072. Expected: 3/4.
Voice too long: Full score, bar 52, stave 17, voice 2. Found: 19/16. Expected: 3/4.


In reply to by cadiz1

Thank you so much. The article is very helpful, especially using the shortcut for "Full measure rest" (Ctrl+Shift+Del) most of the errors have gone away!

However, why does XML files are so bad? I mean, in Reaper I absolutely didn't write anything that could make Musescore thinks to use a time signature of 5250/4608 instead of a 3/4 time signature.

As the attached picture shows, there are some weirdnesses going on. Looking at the bar proprieties under bar duration everything is set to 3/4 both the nominal and the actual value.

I guess I'll need to manually write all the affected bars?

Thank you

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34 err.PNG 3.41 KB

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