Problem "Mu4.1/4.02 cursor keys up/down

• Jul 25, 2023 - 15:34

Chromebook/Linux mouse imput (probably all OS's)
If you have not noticed, when you hit up/down arrow keys , in a multiple page score, and nothing has been selected you will be sent back to page one. Not pleasant when working in the 60s or 70s of your score. You might have thought you had selected something or just hit one by accident.


So, the question is, given that cursor keys have no defined effect - nothing in particular is supposed to happen - what would people like to see these keys do with nothing selected?

One possibility is, re-select the last selected note or rest. This is what Alt+Left/Right do, and no reason the other navigation keys couldn't do the same.

But perhaps better would be to scroll the canvas by some fixed amount.

Or maybe someone has another idea? What would you want to happen if you press a cursor key with nothing selected?

In reply to by R. L. F.

I’m confused then, if you don’t use the keyboard, why go out of your way to press Up or Down at all? Earlier I though you said something about moving a marking, but you can do that with the mouse as well. Understand the various use cases people have is key to designing new features effectively.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think you have me confused,now. In moving with mouse can part 1 rest be snapped to part 2 rest in the staff. I did not remember it did and 'I' am not steady enough to make them match. On the other hand, two clicks up and two down bring them in line together, which is what I am after.(except when MU4 decides this time one click is all you get and the second throws me back to page 1)
Yes, saying I do not 'use' the keyboard is a misnomer. I do use many simple single key shortcuts( numbers, N, up/down cursor, some hints you have mentioned), but I do not enter notes, save my score, menu selections or move around the page with the keyboard.

In reply to by R. L. F.

As mentioned elsewhere, you shouldn't be moving those rests at all - that is both more work, and also more "fragile" in that those manual adjustments may turn out to be wrong should the layout change, which it might as you continue to edit your score or further improvements are made to the defaults.

Instead, to hide a rest, simply press "V", or if you prefer using the mouse for this, uncheck "Visible" in the Properties panel. Much easier and much more reliable than trying to force the rest to overlap via manual adjustments.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

But perhaps better would be to scroll the canvas by some fixed amount.

With nothing selected and using that idea...
In page view:
Up cursor key -- Jumps to show the top edge of the page, regardless of magnification.
Down cursor --- Jumps to show the bottom edge, regardless of magnification.
Left and right cursor keys jump respectively to display a side edge of the page.
If more than one page is displaying, including any partial page, apply the keystrokes to the leftmost page (when page horizontal scroll is set in Preferences) or the topmost page (when page vertical scroll is set in Preferences).

In horizontal continuous view:
Up cursor key -- Jumps to the top edge of the score, regardless of magnification.
Down cursor --- Jumps to the bottom edge, regardless of magnification.
Left and right cursor keys jump horizontally by one screen's worth of score content, regardless of magnification.

In vertical continuous view:
Left cursor key -- Jumps to show the left edge of the score, regardless of magnification.
Right cursor --- Jumps to show the right edge, regardless of magnification.
Up and down cursor keys jump vertically by one screen's worth of score content, regardless of magnification.

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