Long time Noteworthy Composer user

• Jul 25, 2023 - 20:38

Anybody out there who might be capable of making a plugin for score writing?

I've been a avid user of Noteworthy Composer for about 25 years and I'm now trying to get Musescore into my fingers. What I really miss is the possibility to enter notes with up and down arrow keys followed by enter. My habit is that I'm mostly using my right hand on the numeric keyboard to enter durations and accidentals (I have them all in my pinkys muscle memory) so for me this approach is very fast. I'd be more than happy if someone would look into the possibilities of making this in form of a plugin maybe?

If needed I'd be happy to provide all shortcuts that would be handy to have available.


Welcome to MuseScore.
As you know, MusrScore being open source, anyone with the know-how is welcome to make adjustments to the code. That said, are you looking to get away from Noteworthy completely? Sounds to me like you have a pretty fast input technique that probably isn't going to be integrated into MuseScore any time soon. Don't forget that many newer computers don't even have a data pad any more. I wonder if you might do most of the work in Noteworthy and then put that into MuseScore to get a good final audio file.
But then, what do I know. I input with a mouse.

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