Cloud Scores are not saved in my computer

• Jul 26, 2023 - 14:16

I don't know if this is a bug or a "feature" implemented in the last update, but I realized that I can't open the scores I saved in the cloud without an internet conection.
In the last MS version, I remember you could edit the cloud scores without any connection, and the changes made would update when you recovered internet connection later. In this version, I realized that in order to open my cloud scores I had to be logged in (even without internet connection, which is impossible). Also they don't appear in the cloud-scores-folder in my computer, but rather seem to be downloaded when I open them. I think this is and awful thing, because I save my most important projects on the cloud specifically in order to be able to access them in a number of different circumstances in different devices with or without internet connection.
Again, I don't know if this is because I made some mistake, it's bug or was implemented as a feature in the past update. If the former, can somebody explain me what am I doing wrong? If the latter, please put it back the way it was before! It was working well.
Thank you very much :)


Prior to MsueScore 4.1, cloud scores were not accessible at all on any system other than the one that uploaded it. 4.1 is the first one to allow cloud scores to be visible across devices. So it isn't at all clear what you mean about it working well - it explicitly did not do what you say you wanted it to. 4.1 does. So make sure you are on 4.1, and logged into your account on all your devices.

But I'm not sure any MsueScore version ever had an automated way to manage access when offline. I can say I tested it, but I'm not aware of any changes in that area.

FWIW, a simpler way to have scores sync across devices is to save them to a folder on your computer that is automatically synced to Google Drive or Dropbox or the like.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry, I think I didn't explain myself properly. The issue is that I can't access my scores offline on the same device I created them:
I created a score on my computer a few weeks ago. I could open it normally with or without internet connection (in the same device I created it) until the update. Now if I try to open it without internet I get the error message attached (in english it says: It wasn't possible to connect to Please check your internet connection or try again later).
I want to be able to work on my scores regardless of my internet connection (I don't have access to it quite a bit of the time where I live).
Previously, the score was saved on my device and on the cloud, and it did work: I could edit my scores with or without internet. Now it seems that is not stored in my device in any way and if that will be the case from now on, I will have to download them all and save them offline 'cause I can't depend on my conection for this.
I hope I explained myself better now, my english is a little clumsy.
Thank you for taking the time :)

In reply to by Mik26

I agree that something has changed.

In MS 4.0, saving a score to the cloud also placed a copy of the .mscz file in the Cloud Scores folder on my own PC. On Windows it was here:
Users\[username]\Documents\MuseScore4\Cloud Scores

In MS 4.1.1, saving a score to the cloud does not place a copy of the .mscz file in the Cloud Scores folder. Instead I see a message:

In reply to by DanielR

Which makes sense when you think to the other change Marc is mentionning : you're now able to edit your cloud scores from other devices.
If MuseScore was allowing you to edit your scores on your offline machine from the local copy as before and also at the same time allowed you to edit the cloud version from another device, the reconciliation would be difficult.
Which brings to the same conclusion as Marc's: do not use MuseScore cloud service, but use rather a independent strong cloud feature such as One Drive: no surprise, solid reconciliation features, history for easy recovery of corrupted scores, offline editing, no fear of MuseScore cloud feature change or entire drop,..

In reply to by DanielR

4.1 still keeps a locally-cached copy, but that is no longer the folder used. I think that location was considered too visible and was confusing people, so now it's managed with the rest of MuseScore's internal local storage. On Linux, that's .local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4; on Windows I assume a similar location under AppData.

I don't remember previous versions of MuseScore managing cases of no internet connection and local updates automatically, though. For me, attempting to open a cloud file with no internet connection just produced randomly bad bad results, like an apparently empty file (the infamous empty document). So to me a clear error message combined with the ability to share scores between scores is a major improvement.

Still, I find simply saving normally to a folder on my computer that is synced to Google Drive to be far simpler way of making sure I have access to all my scores across all my computers.

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