Will MuseSounds ever support cent detuning?

• Aug 2, 2023 - 15:12

The per note cent detuning feature works in MuseSounds, however only when previewing a note (clicking on it).
When playing back a score, the cent detuning is ignored.
Why doesn't the cent detuning work in playback mode?
Will it ever?
If not, why force microtonalists to use outdated Soundfonts?
What is the use of using MS4 for anyone writing non 12-TET music, if they'll have to downgrade to MS3 sounds?
Doesn't this stand in contradiction to Tantacrul's video's where he emphasized that MS4 would be "for the whole world" and being an ideal notation software for beginners, no matter their (perhaps microtonal) musical background?

How to recreate:
- Enter a note on any pitched instrument
- Detune the note under Properties>Playback>Tuning
- Click on the note, notice the cent detuning has applied
- Press play on the score, notice how the cent detuning is not active.

Thanks in advance, I really hope the dev team isn't planning on leaving us out in the rain.


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