How to ignore warnings import musicxml by musescore4 command line

• Aug 3, 2023 - 02:48

command:mscore ./t.musicxml -f -o my.mxl

musescore3.6.2 is converted successful, but musescore4.1.1 is blocking, following is musescore4 log:

2023-08-02T14:46:25.366 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule | onPreInit: log path: /root/.local/share/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs/MuseScore_230802_144625.log
2023-08-02T14:46:25.366 | INFO | main_thread | GlobalModule | onPreInit: === Started MuseScore 4.1.1, build number 232071203 ===
2023-08-02T14:46:25.407 | INFO | main_thread | DiagnosticsModule | onInit: success start crash handler
2023-08-02T14:46:25.893 | INFO | main_thread | ConverterController | fileConvert: in: ./t.musicxml, out: my.mxl
2023-08-02T14:46:25.991 | WARN | main_thread | Qt | This plugin does not support propagateSizeHints()

Attachment Size
t.musicxml 1.04 KB


Using the GUI to open will prompt

“Not a valid MusicXml file。 Fatal error: line 10 column 8 Element work is not defined in this scope.”,

select "Yes" to ignore it, but the command line does not work

Trying to import (in the GUI) gives:

Fatal error: line 10 column 8 Element work is not defined in this scope.

In Mu2, Mu3 and Mu4.
The corresponding code is:


Ignoring the error and it does import properly.
Maybe Mu3 ignores this problem in converter mode but Mu4 does not?

It seems that work section needs to come before the ìdentification`s section, not after, at least that is what MuseScore's (?) MusicXML validator seems to expect.

Supported by…

Attachment Size
t.musicxml 1.05 KB

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