Musescore is slow

• Aug 12, 2023 - 19:02

When creating or updating a score using the mouse can be very frustrating as inputting notes or whatever can take time. Has anyone else experiencing a slow system, and is there something I am not doing right.
Appreciate any help




You're not alone - sometimes there's a few second (not exaggerating) lag between selecting a note and hearing it/having it enabled for editing.
Of course, I have an older (2016) computer and am running Linux Mint 21.1, so there may be underlying programming issues of which I'm not aware.
Overall, can't beat the bang for the buck, though!

In reply to by bobjp

Increasing the buffer size and lowering the volume in the mixer cut the skips by about 2/3, so I'll chalk that up as a win! The post you referenced seems to be for a windows machine (at first glance, anyway), so I couldn't implement some steps on Linux, but still a vast improvement. Thanks for the help!

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