Too thick beam of tremolo when noteheads are small

• Aug 13, 2023 - 12:12

Lately I've updated from MuseScore 4.0 to 4.1 to find many good features improved like trills, accidentals and so on. But now I have a small problem that didn't occur in version 4.0, which is thickness of beam on tremolo with small noteheads.

As you can see in "trem_4.1.png", beams of tremolos are too thick so it's kinda hard to know if it's 32th or not, when the notes are small-sized.

In MuseScore 4.0, the beams became thin along with small noteheads so there wasn't any problem. "trem_4.0.png" is a screenshot of the pdf file I exported from MuseScore 4.0, before the update.

I know that I can make the beams clear If I just make the noteheads of tremolos normal-sized, as in "trem_4.1_normal.png". But I really want to put them small. Is there any solution for this?

OS: Windows 10
MuseScore version: 4.1.1

Attachment Size
thick_beam_tremolo.mscz 25 KB
trem_4.0.png 38.88 KB
trem_4.1.png 44.54 KB
trem_4.1_normal.png 37.6 KB

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