
• Aug 20, 2023 - 10:59

I've just completed two different Musescore score with repeats. One score works perfectly, the other doesn't. I can't for the life of me see what I've done wrong.
Is it the fact that I haven't changed to Musescore 4 and am still working on Musescore 3?
I'm sending you the complete score which doesn't repeat.
Thanks for any suggestions

Attachment Size
Springtime mantleth every bough.mscz 25.8 KB


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Another hint:
In some piano measures (left hand staff) you do not need to use voices 3 and 4. Always start each staff with voice 1 and use voice 2 or more only when necessary. Then you don't need to hide the rests of voice 1 either.
The rests from voices 2-4 could simply be deleted or hidden if desired.

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