Exporting at command line bug

• Aug 20, 2023 - 12:14

If I generate musicxml or xml files via a script at the command line :-

Musecore4.exe infile.xml -o outfile.mscz

The resultant file doesn't respect the 'defaults' and 'page-layout' details in the mscz file.
Also if I output an from an mscz it has the same problem.

When I use Musescore3 it works fine,

It's a problem in MS4 for future users - its not urgent. I had to use MS3 to convert them to mscz and then converted them into MS4 mscz format, which respect the page layout. However, users wanting to use other packages requiring these xml formats may get upset.


No idea about the command line. But I notice that normal export as mxl results in some tempo markings not being retained. Also almost no instruments in the mixer are correct. Basic instead of MuseSounds, or Solo violin instead of violin section.

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