D.C. Al Fine Problems

• Sep 8, 2023 - 17:21

Hope someone can help. I added a score with D.C. Al Fine to go back to the start and end at Fine. The problem is when it goes back to ther start it skips the measure with the Fine and plays right to the end. I'm wondering if this is a glitch because measure 8 with the Fine is a Prima Volta and somehow it decides to go to the second volta because it's playing it again, even though this would actaully be the third time it's played measures 1-7. Has anyone had this problem as well? did I do someithng wrong? or is there possibly a workaround?


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Click on the DC al Fine and in the properties panel uncheck "Play repeats". It is conventional that after a DC, no repeats are played and therefore 1st voltas are skipped and that is Musescore's default. If you want it to do something different you need to tell it.

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