Is this melody mine or not?

• Oct 13, 2023 - 00:16

I got a tune playing in my mind, but I cannot understand if I invented or just recalled it. Google song search on my phone found no results, but maybe that's just because my singing is not good enough. So. can you recognize this tune?
And, if it is still my original melody (or based on something, but differs from it enough), can you please help me with transcription? (If so, please save your result in musicxml format for MS2 compatibility)


In reply to by bobjp

So that's why I noticed that the chords look more guitar than piano ;) But I don't want to delete them completely. as some counterpart is needed here. I'll try to simplify them enough (maybe even to single notes) to have a right to call it my own work ;)

In reply to by etsenberg

What's most important is that You like it.
I was intrigued by the modulation you hinted at in measure 25. I felt it could be a little more clear. Here is your score in mxl. I added measures at the end so you could see my thought process. I only changed a few notes. For me it helps solidify the flow of the harmony. But it may not fit your vision for the piece. I get it. Just having a little fun.

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opus32_0.mxl 13.22 KB

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks, but I am a bit confused. I understand that the "tail" you added is your suggestions for replacement in measure 25 and the next, but I am not sure what goes where. Do you mean your two last measures are your version of 25 and 26? If so. I don't hear much difference with my version (while I see the changes).

In reply to by etsenberg

25 and 26. And yes it is subtle. And just a thought. It removes the parallel 5th at the beginning and (at least to my old fashioned ears) gives the harmony some stability. Not a reflection on your writing. More of a reflection on what I was expecting as I listened.
As a very conservative composer, I tend to use notes outside of the key signature as a device to point things in a different direction. And then land in that destination. But that's just the old folk guitar player in me. Not very adventurous, I'm afraid.

In reply to by bobjp

Why do you think parallel 5th is bad? Is it a matter if taste, or is there a more solid reason? As for me, I like consonance and try to avoid dissonance when possible. I know, dissonance is widely used to create tension which is resolved later, but I just don't like it ;) And my version is more consonant.

In reply to by etsenberg

Parallel 5ths have generally (though not totally) been avoided in Western (and European ) music as sounding too Asian. Two totally different theories of music. We were marked as wrong if we used them. But you get to do what you want. Here is where you point out that I used a ton of them in my accompaniments of your melody. Remember that I wasn't being serious, either.

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