Horrible stuttering

• Oct 20, 2023 - 18:25

When I use Musescore 4 in Win10, playing back what I've entered has the most weirdest effect. It speeds everything up and stutters. When I wear my headphones, this seems to fix it, until today where it is now doing the same. Has anyone else experienced this?


I'm experiencing the same problem.
Musescore 4 used toe work perfectly....now it's utterly useless.
No one seems to have a fix!....Oh, and I don't use headphones...I'm using the Systm sounds.

This usually means your OS and MuseScore are not communicating properly about your audio device's sample rate. Find its settings (usually in your OS somewhere, like maybe try right-click the speaker icon in your taskbar on Windows) and explicitly set it to 44.1 kHz if currently 48, or vice versa.

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