The score doesn't work. (Solved)

• Nov 1, 2023 - 16:54

I downloaded this sheet, but musescore 4 doesn't work. Can you solve the problem?


"but musescore 4 doesn't work. "
What's the problem? I've opened this file as normal, and the playback is fine - image below.
(Windows 10, version 4.1.1, MS Basic)


In reply to by jamiehyun12341

Mhh, not having a filename at all, but just an extension "mscz" might be the issue. All these 'funny' (unicode UTF8, Chinese?) characters in the filename don't make it through the download (not for me, on Windows 11 and using Edge, at least)

So just rename the downloaded file to "foo.mscz" or some such

You wrote:
Downloading PDF does work well.
Okay, so no one here at the "Support and bug reports" forum would be concerned with that PDF.

You wrote:
But if I download it by musescore, it looks like there are some errors-

Okay, so please attach the error laden MuseScore mscz file itself - not the picture, not the pdf, not the midi, not the MusicXML

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