Jumps within repeats won't play first.

• Nov 17, 2023 - 19:48

I need jumps to play first when they're within repeat bars, but it always skips them and only plays them on repeat. If this is impossible, I need a better way of overcoming the issue presented in this .mscz file.

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Jump Issue Example.mscz 8.78 KB
Jump Issue Example.pdf 48.44 KB


Your score doesn't really make sense to me, so I'm not surprised MuseScore doesn't make sense of it either. It's likely to lead to train wrecks in performance, so I'd recommend simplifying the road map. But if my guess as to your intent is correct, you probably need to enable "play repeats" for the D.C (and add similar text to the DC itself for the benefit of people reading it). Because otherwise, the first ending would normally be skipped.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you for your response. I tried to make my example score simple to read, but the issue is not that Musescore doesn't understand it, the issue could apply to any piece of requiring a jump in repeat bars to happen before the repeat rather than after, unless that's a sheet music rule I don't know about.
But that is all to the end of finding a way to have both a Coda jump AND Fine. I noticed the "play repeats" checkbox and it's innapplicable because whether it plays the repeat again or not, I need is for it to skip past the repeat bar to measure 13, which it should play before ending because of the "Fine." I am squeezing the measures to their limit to be able to fit it all into two pages so I could really use a way to not have to copy and paste those measures at the end.

In reply to by Spenz0r

I'll try to describe what this does in MU4.
Plays through measure 10.
Back to measure 3.
Jumps from measure 6 to measure 11.
After measure 12, jumps to measure 7.
After measure 9, jumps to measure 13.
Plays to end.
Goes back to beginning.
After measure 6, jumps to 11.
Goes a few measures past the "Fine".
Could be confused because I don't think "DC al Coda al Fine" is a real thing.

In reply to by bobjp

Maybe I set up the segno wrong, but once it reaches the end it jumps back to measure seven (works in original score), and my only problem is getting it to jump to measure 13 after measure 9 again, ending after measure 13. DC al Coda al Fine isn't a real thing, but it describes exactly what I need to happen.

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