How can I create different barlines on different staves within the same system?

• Nov 24, 2023 - 20:20

How can I create different barlines on different staves within the same system, as seen in the last measure of the attached image, which I am attempting to recreate?


There might be a reason why the barlines are different. I can't tell from the limited scope of the image. But just because you see it in print doesn't mean it is correct. Different publishers do things differently

I don't know which MuseScore version you are using, but if you go to the appropriate handbook and look up "ties" you may find what you are looking for. :)

Wait a moment: I don't think you are talking about barlines. The bars (measures) in your image are all in strict 4/4 time.

So perhaps you are meaning the dashed slurs? That would be an option on the properties of the slur itself, in the Properties panel:
- Continuous
- Dashed
- Wide-dashed
- Dotted

In reply to by DanielR

It's pretty clear that the OP is about the last measure. One line has a double barline. The other has a final barline. And as I said, we don't have enough information to know if it serves a purpose, or if it is a mistake. Or just the way that publisher did it.

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