Failed Installation of ver 4.2 on Win 10 64 bit

• Nov 26, 2023 - 00:34

I would appreciate any help with this issue that was submitted originally using the Contact Support web page. It has now been referred to this forum by a request from the MuseScore staff. Curious, right?

Hi. I just downloaded and tried to install the latest Win 64 release. It fails with a message shown in the attached screenshot. Oh, wait... your contact page can't do screen shots.
OK, so I've got to go through the whole installation process again. Sigh,,,
Here's the error message that couldn't be copied in Windows, and thanks to a phone camera and Google Lens text capture (Ain't technology wunnerful? ;-) )

The parameter is incorrect.
(editorial: I've written a lot of system code. I swear this one is my karma for every opaque error message I ever wrote. What is the cussed parameter?!)

I'm running Win 10 Pro native on an Intel 7 platform 16GB RAM and SSD.
I've tried rebooting, uninstalling ver 3.6 and rebooting. Same error.


4.2 is in Beta, MuseHub is problematic for some
Try without MuseHub, otherwise wait a while and try 4.2 again. Or just use 4.1.1 or jojo's 3.7

This forum CAN do screenshots - PNG, JPG are supported, I think.

In reply to by underquark

thank you. I have reverted to a 3.6 mobile which installed and starts up quicker that 3.6 with MuseHub. I personally don't see any value in MuseHub. As far as I can tell, the only thing it does is put a window on top of all applications that can't be moved or minimized which, BTW, really ticks me off bc I can't do anything else while the application is installing. Seems like a bit of programmer arrogance. And I can say that bc I'm an programmer and have been arrogant with messages before ;-)!
So how can I get a 4.2 without it? I would just stay at 3.6 but a friend and I collaborate and he successfully made the upgrade, and now I can't open any of his scores.
Could you please give me a link, as I can't see anything in the descriptions that say the version is without MuseHub.
PS The problem with attaching a file is in the Contact page on the MScore website. It won't allow attached files.

In reply to by hmitch580401@y…

I've been trying to unravel the winding path you've been going down. I've used MuseScore for years and never heard of the Contact Support you speak of. After some digging, I found it and can't help but be surprised that you even got anywhere.

You need the Hub if you want to use the new Muse sounds. With the Hub open, look at the upper right corner. There is a gear icon, the universal sign for settings. Click it and as you scroll down, turn off everything. At the bottom select "Quit" to close the hub.
In general, it seems to me that if you aren't going to use Muse sounds, then you might as well stay with MU3. No harm in that.

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