portato and slurred staccato for strings do not work very will.

• Dec 12, 2023 - 16:26

Hello, Portato and slurred staccatos for strings do not work well in orchestral muse sounds. But it works very well in basic sounds. Is there any solution? I attached a file MXL.

Attachment Size
portato and slurred staccato.mxl 1.75 KB


Instead of a MusicXML file - which loses a lot of information about your score - please attach the actual score. Also be sure to say which notes in which measures you are having trouble with.

In reply to by Muafaq7

I'm not an expert on string technique, but I can confirm there is a difference between how Muse Sounds vs MS Basic interprets these, particularly the second line with the staccato - MS Basic interprets the staccato far longer, with or without the slurs. Maybe some other string players can weigh in.

In reply to by Muafaq7

As I said, I'm not a string expert, so aside from being able there is a different - MS Basic plays staccato much longer, with or without slur - I can't say what's right or wrong. I'd rather get confirmation from other string players before recommending you open an issue. But if you're absolutely positive that there is an issue with Muse Sounds playback, you can open the issue at https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues, and be sure to attach the score and explain what you believe the correct interpretation to be.

I'm not surprised that MU4 doesn't quite know what to do with these markings. String players do, but that may be mostly it.
On my system, (Muse violas) the second line is almost inaudible. It does play using Basic. Interestingly enough, when I changed to Muse violins 2, it sounded much like viola basic sounds.

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