Percussion Line Key Signature won't go away
Key signature on percussion line just won't go away, regardless of multiple attempt done, including ticked box of "don't show key signature".
Had a workaround but can't seem to remember anymore.
Edit: Workaround:
1. Put a system break, forcing the measure showing key sign to be on next page.
2. Delete the system break, will show the key sign (like it's been put extra on the measure itself, which I am very sure I've never done this before).
3. Put the system break back (or continue the editing as usual).
Anyway, it shouldn't be a bug here.
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Screenshot 2023-12-16 042943.png | 205.27 KB |
Where did this score come from? A PDF? If so, maybe the place to fix it is in the reader program. I've never seen a key signature on a tam tam part.
In reply to Where did this score come… by bobjp
That's the thing. I am certain musescore doesn't copy key signature as part of the copy action from the XML file. And even in this case I am copying from another musescore window (which has the transcribed XML file opened so I don't mess up my main musescore), so this shouldn't be more of a problem. The instrument before tam-tam is glockenspiel, but it worked just fine. It all messed up when I attached the "Change Instrument" from the text palette.
You can see from the screenshot, it's the perfect condition for the bug to occur, as I was trying to change instrument just after the key sign, hence the bug. And then I thought maybe change it one bar earlier + don't show key sign will solve it but no. In the end I have to use the workaround mentioned above. As mentioned also this has happened multiple times throughout different scores.
ps: It's great to see you here again lol, never expect to have multiple bugs on a same topic, and the same person is helping me to fix it.
In reply to That's the thing. I am… by NDDD
What is happening at the first circle?
In reply to What is happening at the… by bobjp
Just indication of staff type changes, thought it might help in dissecting the problem down.
In reply to Just indication of staff… by NDDD
You've changed it from Klock to what? And how? I'm trying to understand what you are doing and where this process breaks down. It's easy to call it a bug. But maybe you are expecting something that isn't possible.
In reply to You've changed it from Klock… by bobjp
"Staff type change" will not change anything other than staff type I presumed if that's what you're asking? The only instrument changes is where the tam-tam notated as you saw on the picture. But after I recreate the bug, I'm certain "staff type change" is not the culprit, nor it affected anything in this topic. I hope this clarifies.
It's certainly possible there is a bug. In order for us to confirm, we'd need you to attach your score - not just pictures - and give precise steps to reproduce the problem.
In reply to It's certainly possible… by Marc Sabatella
Bug recreate:
1. Create a score with multiple key signs, best to use concert band template.
2. Put an unpitched percussion instrument change on pitched percussion, in this case glockenspiel
3. You'll notice that the key sign will stay there even an unpitched percussion is brought over the page.
A system break will solve the issue, but not always the case. If the system break deleted or the measure where bug occurs returned to its original place, the key sign will still be there.
In reply to… by NDDD
OK I think I get it. And the problem is deeper.
1. Create the band score in "A".
2. Create an instrument change in the Glock part to Bb clarinet in measure 3. Note that the clef and key change in measure 3, as well as the next page.
3. Before the page change, create an instrument change in the (now) clarinet part, to triangle. Note that the clef and changes to percussion clef. But the key reverts to the Glock key. And on page two, the clef is still the percussion clef, but the key is back to the clarinet key.
In reply to… by NDDD
This appears to be a known issue slated for a fix in 4.3 - see