4.2 continuous view (horizontal) completely weird

• Dec 19, 2023 - 14:29

Having updated to 4.2, the continuous view (horizontal) seems to stretch my score vertically so that there are now massive gaps between the staves. Can I rollback to 4.1 to get rid of this issue? (I'm attaching the score for interest.)
Any ideas, I'd be extremely grateful.

Attachment Size
The Monster Who Nibbles Your Toes v9.mscz 153.42 KB


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The fix in 4.2.1 has just about solved this, but it's still not right. The distance between the staves on, say , the piano part is still curiously wide. And the distance between different instrument staves has also remained wide, albeit, far less so than in 4.1.1. Image attached.You can also see that there is a large gap between the lyrics and stave.
For comparison, I've included the "Page View" of the same section of music.

In reply to by edwardhardy

There's a real difference between the lyrics space in Page View mode (as expected) and in Continuous View (unexpected).
Page view.jpg
I confess that I discover this point, and I'll leave it to those who are used to entering lyrics (not really my practice) if they have an opinion on the matter?

In reply to by edwardhardy

Because continuous view is one very long system, if there are any markings anywhere that require extra space, it will require extra space for the whole score. That's just the nature of things when dealing with one very long system. And you've got several measures with markings way above or way below the staff - see for instance bars 118-121 in the second piano part, and really quite a few other examples. There is some very odd notation through, multiple voices being used where it isn't needed and thus forcing stems in the wrong directly, pedal markings between the staves, dynamics on the wrong side of the staff, ottavas that don't make sense, etc. All of these things contribute to the score requiring more space than it would if notated more conventionally. Simply doing a Ctrl+A to select all followed by Ctrl+R to reset does a lot to improve things (you may need to leave to continuous view in order to see the effect).

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