Musescore for aarch64?

• Dec 21, 2023 - 01:24

Hello all,

I’m trying to install MU4 on my Lenovo Duet 3. I’m running in to the common “Exec error” while attempting to install, which, as I’ve gathered, means I’m not using the correct package for my machine. I know my processor uses ARM architecture - apparently, it’s “aarch64” to be exact. But, I can’t seem to quite find a build for this architecture in the GitHub release (even though it sounds like ARM builds are officially supported for 4.2?). The only one I seemed to find was on Arch Linux, which gave me the same error.

Would someone be able to point me in a direction to learn more? Apologies if this is a redundant question - I’ve not used Linux before, and this depth of involvement is a bit new to me.

Thank you.

Edit: Ah, after intense investigation, I decided to scroll down one post on GitHub, and found an aarch64 version in the 4.2 beta release. Installed Fuse, and installed Musescore! Exciting. Thank you, all!


I'm currently running into the same exact error, can you explain about Fuse and/or point me in the direction of this 4.2 aarch64 version? Thanks so much

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