File Continues to Crash

• Dec 22, 2023 - 04:54

Today, I reopened a file that I had put aside for two years. I updated to the latest MuseScore version. I worked on the file for a couple of hours (during the second movement the violin cannot be heard in playback for some reason). I saved my work. Now, every time I attempt to open the file it crashes. Two years ago, I was also experiencing issues with this file crashing, that was partly why a paused working on this project.

I didn't have any trouble opening this file initially today, but after a few hours of work, I can no longer open the file. Is this file working okay for other people, and can you hear the violin playback during the seconde movement: Walze Moderator?

Attachment Size
Amon Divertissement.mscz 416.17 KB


Your score opens fine for me. The violin is very quiet because you have a whole bunch of diminuendos and never return to a louder dynamic, but aside from that plays fine.

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