MuseScore 4.2 Soundfont Selector does not work with custom string soundfonts

• Jan 2, 2024 - 02:18

Hello! A little while ago I created a custom soundfont for strings to sound more realistic in MuseScore 3. Using Polyphone (, I did some magic to create single-note dynamics (screenshot of modulators is attached). I was excited to learn that I would now be able to select certain instruments in my custom soundfonts in MuseScore 4.2, but when I have tried, no playback is heard. From testing, I've learned that certain instruments (pizzicato voices, for example) do work (most likely because there are no SND modulators on those instruments. The same goes for all instruments (including strings) in the default MuseScore 3 soundfont. Using sforzando as a VST to play these soundfonts through MuseScore does indeed work (along with the SND), but I've had varied success with balancing volumes and strange dynamic effects so I'd like to be able to use the soundfonts with MuseScore 4 directly. Let me know if anyone can get this working!

My custom soundfont:…

Pizzicato voice does work:…
Arco voice does not work:…

Attachment Size
modulators.png 22.66 KB
testScore.mscz 25.94 KB


When I load your font and select a violin section, I hear a very faint sound if I turn up all volumes to max. So it seems that there is sound. Just not loud enough.

In reply to by SarcasticBanana

  1. Headphones needed.
  2. Open a score that uses violins.
  3. In the mixer, select a violin staff. Browse to your font.
  4. Select 1st vln sec.
  5. Turn the fader for that instrument all the way up.
  6. Master volume all the way up.
  7. Computer volume all the way up.
  8. Set the dynamic for that staff to FFF.

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